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For a positive mood

Electric Vehicles: Urban Mobility in the Sustainability Agenda

The growing popularity of electric vehicles (EVs) has brought benefits in reducing carbon emissions. This demonstrates that there are still challenges related to the production and charging of batteries. Even though EVs have a smaller carbon footprint over their lifetime compared to internal combustion vehicles. What we see are concerns that arise due to dependence on energy from electricity grids powered by fossil fuels.

Furthermore, battery production is an energy-intensive process. To ensure sustainability in the transport sector, advances are needed in the cleaning of electrical networks, the use of renewable sources and greater battery recycling capacity.

Furthermore, an effective transition to EVs requires integrated policies that encourage the use of public transport, alternative means of transport and the reduction of the number of cars on the roads. This process goes hand in hand with regulations to ensure environmentally sustainable and ethical battery production. Social change for a more sustainable future must be inclusive and not fail to consider social and economic inequalities.

Access the Link: Electric Vehicles: Urban Mobility in the Sustainability Agenda 
