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For a positive mood

For a positive mood

Chemical Energy: Environmental Challenges and Perspectives in the Energy Transition

Chemical energy, present in many daily activities, stands out for its transformation capacity and versatility. Concrete examples highlight its practical application, but also reveal challenges that prevent broader and more efficient adoption, especially in the midst of the ongoing energy transition. Cells, Batteries and Energy Transformation In modern everyday life, […]

Brazil Presents Environmental Analysis Strategy for Biofuels at Public Hearing

In a joint hearing of the Ministry of Mines and Energy and the Mines and Energy and Energy Transition Committees of the Federal Chamber, Brazil reinforced its leading position in the global energy scenario by presenting an innovative methodology for analyzing the life cycle of fuels. This comprehensive approach, which comprises […]

Global Fossil Fuel Production Exceeds Climate Targets, UN Report Warns

In a worrying warning, the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) has released the 2023 Production Gap Report, revealing that global governments' fossil fuel production plans for 2030 exceed by 110% the targets set by the Climate Change Agreement. Paris. The agreement seeks to limit global warming to […]

Planetary Temperature Registers Increase of 1.3 °C in Recent Decades

Cientistas da organização americana Climate Central divulgaram um estudo alarmante que revela um aumento significativo na temperatura global nos últimos 12 meses. Segundo a pesquisa, o planeta ficou 1,32°C mais quente em comparação aos índices da era pré-industrial (1850-1900), evidenciando uma tendência preocupante de aquecimento. O aumento, calculado com base nas medições das temperaturas do […]

Historic Heat Wave Challenges the Brazilian Electricity Sector

O mais recente Boletim do Programa Mensal de Operação (PMO) divulgado pelo Operador Nacional do Sistema (ONS) apresenta um quadro desafiador para o setor elétrico brasileiro, à medida que o país enfrenta uma onda de calor histórica pelo terceiro mês consecutivo. Projetando um crescimento expressivo de 11% na carga do Sistema Interligado Nacional (SIN), totalizando […]
