US Government to Invest US$ 1.2 Billion to Boost Air Carbon Capture Projects

O governo dos Estados Unidos está prestes a dar um passo decisivo em direção ao controle das emissões de carbono e ao enfrentamento das mudanças climáticas, com um investimento significativo de US$ 1,2 bilhão em projetos de captura de carbono do ar. Especialistas em energia destacam a importância dessa iniciativa para conter as emissões de […]
Sustainable Revolution: Electric Cars Become Pillars of the Energy Transition

Uma Revolução Sustentável está em andamento à medida que os veículos elétricos (VEs) assumem um novo papel como pilares essenciais na busca global pela transição energética. Mais do que apenas alternativas ecológicas aos veículos tradicionais, os VEs estão emergindo como provedores de serviços vitais para redes elétricas inteligentes e eficientes. O consenso sobre a urgência […]
National Treasury Announces Issuance of Green Bonds Linked to Environmental Projects

In an innovative decision, the National Treasury plans to issue debt on the international market later this semester, possibly in September. This operation will mark a significant step for Brazil, as it will be the first time that the country will issue bonds linked to social and environmental projects, a growing trend in the debt market […]
Amazon Summit Brings Leaders Together to Debate Sustainable Development and International Cooperation

Representatives from 15 countries are meeting in Belém, Pará, for the Amazon Summit. The meeting, to be held on August 8th and 9th, is one of the most relevant for the heads of state in that region, and will address crucial issues such as illegal deforestation, combating organized crime and external financing for sustainable development […]
Facilitating Decarbonization in Emerging Economies Through Smart Charging

As countries seek to achieve net zero emissions, electric vehicles (EVs) are emerging as one of the key levers for decarbonizing road transport. According to the Scenario of Commitments Announced by the International Energy Agency (IEA), the increase in the stock of EVs from 17 million currently to 231 million in 2030 and 808 […]