Ecological Transition in the Legal Amazon: Economic Models Project Promising Scenarios for 2050

A set of economic models – developed by several Brazilian institutions such as WRI Brasil and Laboratório Cenergia – was used to design different scenarios for the economy of the Legal Amazon (AML) in 2050. Under the guidance of the Paris Agreement, which advocates deforestation zero, the expansion of the bioeconomy, forest restoration and […]
Asian Companies Redouble Efforts to Achieve Net Zero Emissions Amid Climate Challenges

Companies in the Asia-Pacific region are stepping up their commitments to reducing carbon emissions and adopting environmentally sustainable practices. Based in notably polluting countries such as China, India and Japan, this region also faces unique vulnerabilities stemming from extreme climate change, such as heat waves and flooding. Despite the growing […]
Carbon Neutrality Goals Face Public Skepticism and Implementation Challenges

The ambitious goal of achieving carbon neutrality, known as “net zero”, is under increasing scrutiny and challenges, as governments around the world struggle to implement concrete plans to reduce carbon emissions. A recent study revealed that over 90% of the global Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is now […]
The Imperative Need to Structure a Reverse Logistics Chain in the Photovoltaic Energy Market

A crescente conscientização acerca da necessidade de reduzir a dependência de fontes de energia tradicionais e mitigar os impactos ambientais adversos associados a elas tem gerado um notável aumento na adoção de tecnologias sustentáveis, com a energia fotovoltaica emergindo como uma das soluções mais proeminentes. Enquanto a demanda por painéis solares e sistemas fotovoltaicos expande-se, […]
International Maritime Organization Sets Targets for Reducing Emissions by 2050

A Organização Marítima Internacional (IMO) anunciou uma nova e ambiciosa estratégia para redução das emissões de gases de efeito estufa (GEE) provenientes de navios. Durante a 80ª reunião do Comitê de Proteção do Meio Ambiente Marinho (MEPC 80), realizada de 3 a 7 de julho, os Estados Membros da IMO aprovaram a Estratégia de 2023 […]