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For a positive mood

For a positive mood

Green Hydrogen Gains Great Prominence at COP27

The 27th United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP 27 – Conference Of the Parties) was held in 2022 in Egypt and had as one of the main themes green hydrogen as a source of clean and renewable energy. Green hydrogen is produced from sources such as wind […]

António Guterres' Call for Urgent Climate Action

António Guterres, Secretary-General of the UN, has been a vocal advocate for sustainability and climate action. In his statements, he highlights the urgency of the current situation and the need for concrete actions to tackle climate change and ensure a sustainable future for all. Guterres highlights that the transition to an economy based on […]

Generation Z Leads Energy Transformation Through Consumption Changes

According to the Energy Consumer Survey report, carried out by the company EY, it was revealed that 50% of consumers around the world claim to have spent more on electricity in the last year. Furthermore, more than a third of these consumers feel energy poverty. In response to this situation, 85% from Brazilian consumers are […]

Public Policies for Energy Efficiency

The search for public policies that promote energy efficiency is an increasingly relevant topic around the world. Countries such as Brazil, the European Union and the United States have invested in projects to encourage environmental preservation in order to meet the UN's sustainability goals. In addition, organizations such as ANEEL and IEA have adopted […]

Stock Exchanges: Sustainability and Carbon Reduction

The Stock Exchanges include sustainability bonds, adopt sustainable investment criteria and promote the environmental and social responsibility of companies. Sustainability policies and initiatives drive the inclusion of green and social bonds, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting more sustainable development. Stock exchanges play a […]
