Logo Energia Que Inova - Branco

For a positive mood

For a positive mood

Brasil e Suécia Unem Forças para Promover Economia Verde

Brasil e Suécia estão intensificando esforços para fortalecer a cooperação em diversas áreas, visando promover a economia verde e impulsionar a transição energética. O presidente da Confederação Nacional da Indústria (CNI), Ricardo Alban, destacou a necessidade de identificar novas iniciativas de cooperação bilateral diante dos desafios apresentados pela digitalização e descarbonização da produção industrial. O […]

UK Transmission Plan Will Free Up 100 GW of Capacity

The UK government and the Great Britain Energy Regulator (Ofgen), in a joint effort, have announced a significant initiative to accelerate the generation of renewable energy. The Connections Action Plan (CAP) was launched with the aim of resolving the considerable delays in the grid connection queue, aiming to meet […]

US Department of Energy Allots US$ 31 Million for Energy Efficiency

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced the allocation of more than US$$31 million in clean energy investments, through the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG), to 19 state governments and local communities throughout the North American territory. Funded by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Act, this […]

Brazil: Bill Proposes Private Incentives for Energy Transition

A Câmara dos Deputados Federais recebeu para análise o Projeto de Lei nº 5.174/2023, apresentando o ambicioso Programa de Aceleração da Transição Energética (PATEN). O objetivo principal do projeto é catalisar o desenvolvimento sustentável, concentrando-se na expansão de infraestrutura e pesquisa, especialmente nas áreas de energias renováveis e combustíveis limpos. O PATEN estabelece metas claras, […]

WEF: Window of Opportunity in Energy Transition is Closing

Global progress towards clean energy is undeniable, but equity in the industry has become a significant challenge, warns the World Economic Forum (WEF) in its “Fostering an Effective Energy Transition 2023” report. According to the WEF, the window of opportunity for the energy transition is closing rapidly, with many countries directing their efforts […]
