Logo Energia Que Inova - Branco

For a positive mood

For a positive mood

Green Jobs Drive the Energy Transition

Tecnologias Climáticas

According to the Global Green Skills Report 2022, prepared by LinkedIn, the participation of green talents in the global workforce has increased significantly in recent years. The data reveals that this share went from 9.6% in 2015 to 13.3% in 2022, which represents a remarkable growth of 38.5%. The report points to Brazil as the […]

Civil Construction is one of the main consumers of energy in the world

Civil engineering works are constantly carried out all over the world, with the aim of improving people's quality of life and the way they inhabit cities. In addition to historical examples such as the Great Wall of China, the Panama Canal, the Golden Gate Bridge and the Eurotunnel, there are many other […]

Brazilian Government Debates National Energy Transition Policy

The Brazilian government is discussing the implementation of a National Energy Transition Policy, which will be evaluated by the National Energy Policy Council (CNPE) in July. The proposal seeks to promote sustainable initiatives, with a focus on preserving the environment and including the most vulnerable communities. At the event, the importance of ensuring the […]

USA Promotes Meeting With Global Leaders in Search of Climate Alternatives

Joe Biden, President of the United States, convened a meeting of leaders of the Forum of Major Economies on Energy and Climate (MEF) in April, with the aim of tackling the climate crisis and meeting the goals established by the Paris Agreement. The Agreement seeks to limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C. During the meeting, the […]

Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) Debates Solutions for Isolated Systems Aiming at Decarbonization

In June, the Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) promoted the Integration and Planning Workshop of the Legal Pro-Amazon Program, focusing on the “Energy Transition in the Amazon”. The event, held in Brasília (DF), was organized by the Executive Secretariat of the Pro-Amazônia Legal Management Committee (CGPAL), coordinated by the National Secretariat for Energy Transition and Planning of the MME. […]
