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For a positive mood

For a positive mood

IEA Predicts Global Oil Demand to Peak by 2030

Um novo relatório divulgado pela Agência Internacional de Energia (AIE) prevê que a procura global por petróleo, gás natural e carvão – e as emissões de carbono resultantes – atingirão o seu ponto máximo no final desta década. Segundo o relatório anual Perspetivas Mundiais de Energia, publicado recentemente, o crescimento exponencial de fontes de energia […]

ANEEL Maintains Green Flag in Energy Tariffs for November

The National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL) announced this Friday (27/10) that the tariff flag for the month of November will be maintained in green, indicating that there will be no additional costs charged to consumers' electricity bills. Since April 2022, favorable conditions for hydroelectric generation have supported the indication of […]
