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For a positive mood

For a positive mood

The Latest Technologies in Printable Solar Modules

Solar energy production has grown exponentially in recent decades, driven by a greater awareness of the environmental impacts of traditional energy sources and the search for more sustainable and affordable alternatives. One of the main technological innovations in this area is the development of printable solar modules, which promise to reduce production costs […]

Solar and Wind Power Generation Breaks World Record in 2022

Wind and solar power generation represented a record 12% of global electricity generation in 2022, according to a report released on April 12 by Ember, an independent English research group on climate and energy. The report also found that all renewable energy sources and nuclear power combined accounted for […]

Energy Transition: Path to a Sustainable Future

The energy transition is a comprehensive process that aims at a gradual shift to a low-carbon economy and implies a new condition, with a broader and more systemic view of environmental and social sustainability. This change, however, is not limited only to energy generation, but also encompasses its consumption […]

Zero Rate for Solar Modules

Faced with the urgent need to transition the energy matrix around the world, with the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, Brazil has stood out as a protagonist in this scenario of sustainability. An important step taken by the country in this direction was the creation of PADIS – Support Program for the Technological Development of […]

Self-Production of Energy: a High-Performance and Low-Cost Energy Solution

The global economic scenario has been marked by volatility and accelerated competitiveness. In this context, companies have sought to constantly reinvent themselves, following market trends and adopting solutions that ensure cost reduction and revenue increase, aiming at more profitable results. A common and essential input for companies in all branches of […]
