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For a positive mood

For a positive mood

Wind Energy Sets Generation Records for the Second Half

Wind production was large during the second half of 2023. For July, during the first few days, wind energy production recorded unprecedented rates for energy growth in the country. According to data from the National Electrical System Operator (ONS), linked to the Ministry of Mines and Energy, this increase reflects in the instantaneous generation […]

Brazil Registers Best Levels of Hydroelectric Reservoirs in the Last 20 Years

Brazil celebrates a historic milestone in the energy sector, as the most recent data released by the Electric Sector Monitoring Committee (CMSE) reveal that the country reached the best levels of water storage in hydroelectric plants in the last 20 years. This news is the result of a combination of investments in infrastructure and weather conditions […]

Brazilian Electric Matrix Expands 5.1 GW in 2023

The first half of the year registered a notable growth in the installed capacity of the Brazilian electricity matrix, with an increase of 5.1 GW compared to the same period of the previous year, according to data released by the National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL). This expressive growth is the result of significant investments in renewable energy and reflects […]

Airseas Seawing Sail Promises to Be a Solution for the Naval Industry

While cars, trucks and planes are often blamed for the climate crisis, shipping also plays a significant role in the emission of greenhouse gases, nitrogen oxides and sulfur pollution. This is because ships often rely on heavy, cheap fuel oil. A promising solution to clean up the shipping industry is […]

Tighter UK Emissions Cap: Energy, Industry and Aviation

UK Emissions Trading Authority (UK ETS) announces sweeping measures to impose stricter emission caps on energy sectors, energy intensive industries and aviation from 2024. These reforms aim to encourage the transition to energy sources cleaner, reduce carbon footprint and increase […]
