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For a positive mood

For a positive mood

Total Energy Market Opening Has 94% of Public Approval

A consulta pública realizada pelo Ministério de Minas e Energia acerca da abertura total do mercado de energia elétrica para consumidores de baixa tensão, tanto em áreas rurais quanto urbanas, obteve um índice de aprovação de 94%. A medida prevê que, até janeiro de 2028, todos os consumidores possam escolher livremente o fornecedor de energia […]

Europe: Volvo Tests Hydrogen-Powered Trucks

A fabricante sueca de caminhões Volvo está avaliando o uso de células de combustível movidas a hidrogênio para rotas direcionadas ao Círculo Polar Ártico. A ideia é promover o uso dessas células para veículos pesados, que poderão utilizar duas células com capacidade de geração de até 300 kW de energia elétrica, com resíduos completamente isentos […]

Generators that did not start operating are granted amnesty by ANEEL

The National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL) approved the amnesty process for generators that won the energy generation concession, as well as the signing of the Transmission System Use Contracts (CUST) for energy flow, including those that were unable to enter into commercial operation. The decision, taken without decision-making costs, provides for […]

Gas to Employ Program Encourages Investments and National Reindustrialization

The Federal Government announced the CNPE Resolution nº 1/2023 that establishes the Working Group of the Gas to Employ Program. The program was announced by the Ministry of Mines and Energy and the measure was published in the Official Gazette. For the proposal of the program there is a demand for the elaboration of studies that are aimed at […]

UN Demands Transparency among Oil and Gas Delegates at Climate Summits

The United Nations (UN) has shown itself to be increasingly concerned about how the environmental issue is handled and is increasingly seeking measures to ensure transparency at climate summits. In a recent statement, the entity demanded transparency among oil and gas delegates who participate in these events. A change […]
