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For a positive mood

For a positive mood

Investments in LPG and Other Energy Applications Have Significant Growth

O Brasil tem sido, ao longo das últimas décadas, um importador regular de Gás Liquefeito de Petróleo (GLP), principalmente utilizado no setor residencial para o preparo de alimentos. Em 2021, o país importou cerca de 11 mil m³/dia, correspondendo a aproximadamente 30% da demanda total do produto, que atingiu 36,9 mil m³/dia. Diante da perspectiva […]

 Minha Casa, Minha Vida Program Is Approved for Solar Energy

Law nº 14.620/2023 was enacted today, July 14, which marks the resumption of the Minha Casa, Minha Vida Program. The sanction and publication of the law in the Official Gazette of the Union brings significant measures to boost the electricity sector in Brazil. With government approval, the legislation sets out comprehensive guidelines for […]

Distributed Generation Exceeds Full-Year 2023 Projections

Distributed generation (DG) of electricity is on the rise in Brazil and projections for the year 2023 are quite optimistic. According to experts, the sector should surpass the 21.6 GW installed mark, consolidating itself as an important source of energy in the country. The first six months of the year were marked […]

Government of Ceará is awarded for the Implementation of Photovoltaic Systems in Public Schools

The Secretariat for Infrastructure (Seinfra) of the Government of Ceará received the 2023 Panel Trophy for National Infrastructure and Logistics Efficiency, thanks to the implementation of photovoltaic systems in 32 public schools in the state. The award aims to value professionals and government agencies that develop infrastructure projects in the energy and transport sector. The trophy, […]

 European Union Invests in Green Hydrogen Technologies in the Steel Industry

A União Europeia é um dos maiores produtores de aço do mundo, ficando atrás apenas da China. Embora o aço seja um material essencial para a transição energética, a indústria siderúrgica é uma grande preocupação ambiental, sendo responsável por cerca de 5% das emissões globais de gases de efeito estufa. Para enfrentar esse problema, a […]
