The First Thermoelectric Power Plant to Use Pre-Salt Natural Gas Opens

Last Wednesday (22/11), the first thermoelectric plant to use natural gas extracted in the Pre-Salt came into operation, marking a significant milestone for the Brazilian energy industry. The Marlim Azul Thermoelectric Power Plant (UTE), located in the Macaé Logistics and Industrial Complex, in Rio de Janeiro, has a power of 565.5 MW, which enables it […]
Brazilian Electricity Matrix Reaches Almost 8 GW of Renewable Generation in 2023

Brazil has reached a significant milestone in its renewable electricity matrix, approaching 8 gigawatts (GW) in generation projects opened by October 2023. The National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL) recorded an expansion of 7,799.1 megawatts (MW ) throughout the year, with emphasis on centralized wind and solar sources, which contributed […]
US Department of Energy Allots US$ 31 Million for Energy Efficiency

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced the allocation of more than US$$31 million in clean energy investments, through the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG), to 19 state governments and local communities throughout the North American territory. Funded by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Act, this […]
Aneel Improves Requirements in 2024 Transmission Auction

The National Electric Energy Agency (Aneel) approved the notice for the first transmission auction of 2024, which projects investments of R$ 18.2 billion in more than 6.4 thousand kilometers of new lines distributed in 15 lots. This figure represents a reduction compared to the initial proposal of R$ 20.5 billion, as approved in […]
WEF: Window of Opportunity in Energy Transition is Closing

Global progress towards clean energy is undeniable, but equity in the industry has become a significant challenge, warns the World Economic Forum (WEF) in its “Fostering an Effective Energy Transition 2023” report. According to the WEF, the window of opportunity for the energy transition is closing rapidly, with many countries directing their efforts […]