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For a positive mood

For a positive mood

Assessment of the Social Sustainability of Companies: RSEA Indicators

Evaluating Corporate Social Responsibility and the social sustainability of companies through CSR indicators is essential to ensure a balance between the company's financial interests and the impact on communities and the environment. These indicators cover areas such as employment, health and safety, training and education, community involvement and […]

Accessibility to Cutting Edge and Zero Emission Technologies

Accessibility to cutting-edge and zero-emission technologies plays a crucial role in promoting global sustainability. These technologies, such as solar photovoltaics, wind energy, energy storage and biofuels, have the potential to increase energy efficiency. This process helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve […]

Nikola Tesla: The Visionary Electric Power Pioneer Who Transformed Everyday Life

Nikola Tesla was a visionary and inventor who revolutionized science and technology. He contributed significant advances in the field of electricity, such as the alternating current (AC) system and the Tesla coil. His vision of a world powered by clean, free energy drove his innovations. Tesla also explored wireless transmission […]

The Impact of Consumers on the Goods and Services Industry

The consumer goods and services industry is driven by consumer choice. They exert significant influence in the market. Increased demand for healthy food, concern for sustainability, interest in advanced technology. The search for personalized experiences and the appreciation of social responsibility are some of the trends driven by consumers. […]

The Growing Low Carbon Economy

Corporate sustainability is becoming a growing trend in Brazil and worldwide. There are also companies seeking to integrate ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) practices into their strategies. In the environmental aspect, the reduction of carbon emissions is one of the main measures adopted, by replacing fossil energy sources with renewable ones and […]
