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For a positive mood

For a positive mood

Transmission: Key Strategy for Achieving Global Renewable Energy Targets by 2040

In the wake of the COP28 Climate Summit, around 60 regions, including the United States and the European Union, express support for the ambitious goal of tripling global renewable energy capacity to reach 11 terawatts (TW) by 2040. Highlighting transmission as a key player In this challenge, the analysis carried out in collaboration with researchers at Dartmouth […]

UK Transmission Plan Will Free Up 100 GW of Capacity

The UK government and the Great Britain Energy Regulator (Ofgen), in a joint effort, have announced a significant initiative to accelerate the generation of renewable energy. The Connections Action Plan (CAP) was launched with the aim of resolving the considerable delays in the grid connection queue, aiming to meet […]

US Department of Energy Allots US$ 31 Million for Energy Efficiency

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced the allocation of more than US$$31 million in clean energy investments, through the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG), to 19 state governments and local communities throughout the North American territory. Funded by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Act, this […]

Energy Efficiency: The Driving Force Against the Climate Crisis

In a global scenario where the climate crisis requires immediate and substantial actions, energy efficiency emerges as the essential fuel to transform the current paradigm. Advances in energy management systems offer unprecedented insight, allowing users to monitor and control the performance of every connected appliance in homes, offices and […]

ONS Launches New Georeferencing Application for the National Operating System

The National Electric System Operator (ONS) announces a significant milestone in the management of the Brazilian electrical system with the launch of SINMAPS, its new georeferencing application. Developed on the ARCGIS platform, SINMAPS replaces the old SINDAT (SIN Registration Information System), consolidating a technological transition that aims to improve monitoring and administration […]
