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For a positive mood

Belo Monte Hydroelectric Plant Reinforces Brazil's Leadership in Renewable Energy Matrix

The Belo Monte Hydroelectric Plant, located on the Xingu River, in Pará, plays a crucial role in Brazil's energy scenario, contributing to the country's position as holder of the cleanest and most renewable energy matrix in the world. With an installed capacity of 11,233.1 MW and an average production of 4,571 MW, Belo Monte stands out as the largest completely Brazilian hydroelectric plant.

Adopting an innovative approach to minimize environmental impact, the plant's main reservoir was designed with “run-of-the-river” technology, ensuring the preservation of the Xingu River and surrounding ecosystems. This practice demonstrates a firm commitment to the principles of sustainability, protecting the environment and local communities that depend on the region.

The intermediate reservoir, which is part of the project, also contributes to a total flooded area of 478 square kilometers. This number, compared to other hydroelectric projects, is considered relatively small, especially when related to the plant's impressive installed capacity. The strategic location of the reservoirs, between the municipalities of Altamira, Brasil Novo, Vitória do Xingu, Anapu and Senador José Porfírio, highlights Belo Monte's commitment to sustainable development and the preservation of local communities.

In addition to its fundamental contribution to Brazil's clean energy matrix, Belo Monte also plays a vital role in supplying energy to several regions of the country, contributing to the stability and security of the national electrical system. With a combination of substantial capacity and innovative environmental preservation approaches, the plant reinforces Brazil's ongoing commitment to sustainable energy and environmental protection.


Norte Energia Achieves Distinction as Largest Energy Seller in the Country

The innovative sales strategy of Norte Energia, responsible for operating the Belo Monte Hydroelectric Power Plant, was reflected in an impressive performance in the first half of 2023. According to recent data from the Electric Energy Trading Chamber (CCEE), the company stood out as the main seller of energy in Brazil, with the sale of 4,412 average MW, corresponding to 19,165 GWh. This achievement is directly linked to the plant's physical guarantee certificate, reaching 4,571 MW.

GSF Sales Strategy and Active Management

The sales strategy adopted by the company from the second half of 2022 played a fundamental role in this success. According to Norte Energia's commercialization director, Franklin Kelly Miguel, the active management of the GSF, a generation scale factor applied to all hydroelectric plants, boosted the volume of energy sold during the period.

Significant Contribution to National Supply

Production at the Belo Monte Hydroelectric Plant in the first six months of 2023 represented 9.4% (29,125 GWh) of all energy used in the country, equivalent to the consumption of approximately 30 million homes. The amount of energy generated by the plant would be enough to supply all homes in the North, Northeast and Center-West regions of Brazil.

Responsible Participation in the Energy Reallocation Mechanism

Despite the notable volume generated, Norte Energia participates in the Energy Reallocation Mechanism (MRE), sharing the hydrology risk with other hydroelectric plants. The generation surplus is redirected to support other plants that had production below their Physical Guarantee certificate, being stored in the reservoir in the SE/CO region. This commitment demonstrates the company's responsibility in the context of the national energy sector.
