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For a positive mood

By: Climate Positive Outlook

TCU launches global platform to monitor climate actions

Platform was presented at COP28, in Dubai, and aims to evaluate government actions at national and international level

The Federal Audit Court (TCU) launched, at COP28, in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, a global platform to monitor climate actions. The tool, called ClimateScanner, will allow control bodies from various countries to uniformly audit the implementation of environmental preservation policies.

ClimateScanner will collect, consolidate and publicize data on government actions related to climate change. The tool will examine country data across three main axes: public policies, governance and financing.

“With this, we will establish a unique methodology so that it is possible to have a single language in all countries,” TCU president Bruno Dantas told CNN. “This will allow independent institutions to audit and certify this data”, he highlighted.

According to Dantas, the platform was very well received in the various presentations made during the climate summit.

The TCU informs that ClimateScanner has “four objectives: evaluate government actions at national and international level, consolidate information, offer support for decision-making and communicate relevant data in easy-to-understand language”.

Bruno Dantas also states that the intention is for the platform to be global: “we will make a call in March, in New York, for the presidents of audit courts from all countries so that at least more than 100 can join the platform and be able to audit the data of their governments.”

Tool will allow control bodies from various countries to uniformly audit the implementation of environmental preservation policies

The Brazilian court proposed the creation and development of the tool within the scope of the International Organization of Higher Control Institutions (Intosai).

The ClimateScanner executive group, whose main functions are developing methodology, carrying out theoretical and normative support research, in addition to providing technology and information assistance, is made up of 17 countries and the European Union.

The executive group is made up of: Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, United Arab Emirates, Slovakia, United States, Philippines, Finland, India, Indonesia, Maldives, Morocco, New Zealand, Kenya, United Kingdom, Thailand and the European Union.
