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Statistical Review of World Energy Report Reveals Global Pollution Impact of Energy Sector

According to the most recent report Statistical Review of World Energy from the Energy Institute, On pollution from the global energy sector, the data reveal a worrying reality: the pollution caused by this sector, which is responsible for global warming, continues to increase at an alarming rate.

According to the recently released report, which analyzes data from world energy markets, an increase of 1% in energy consumption in 2022 was found, with fossil fuels playing a significant role in meeting this demand.

Oil consumption and production increased last year, according to information in the report. Natural gas accounted for approximately 24% of global energy consumption, slightly down from the 25% recorded in 2021.

It is worrying to note that coal, which is the most polluting fossil fuel, saw a growth of 0.6% in consumption in 2022 compared to the previous year. This increase was mainly driven by demand from China and India, as highlighted in the report. Furthermore, global coal production increased by 7%.

Second report “Primary energy consumption in non-OECD countries increased by 20.5 EJ compared to pre-COVID 2019 levels, driven largely by growth in China accounting (14.6 EJ) per 72% of the increase .

These data reveal a challenging scenario, as the continuous consumption of fossil fuels contributes to the worsening of environmental pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. These impacts have direct consequences for climate change and human health.

There is a clear need for greater commitment to the transition to cleaner and more renewable energy sources. It is crucial that effective policies and measures are implemented to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and accelerate the adoption of sustainable alternatives.

There is still a long way to go to achieve a truly sustainable global energy mix. The search for innovative solutions, investment in green technologies and awareness of the importance of environmental preservation are fundamental to face the challenges related to pollution in the energy sector.
