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For a positive mood

For a positive mood

By: Climate Positive Outlook

UK Transmission Plan Will Free Up 100 GW of Capacity

The UK government and the  Great Britain Energy Regulator (Ofgen), in a joint effort, announced a significant initiative to accelerate the generation of renewable energy. The Connections Action Plan (CAP) was launched with the aim of resolving the considerable delays in the grid connection queue, aiming to meet the growing demand for renewable energy and meet the ambitious target of achieving net-zero emissions by 2050.

The initiative, part of the government's Transmission Acceleration Action Plan, aims to free up more than 100 GW of capacity, representing approximately a quarter of the electricity needed to power the UK economy in 2050. A significant reduction in the average connection time now estimated in five to six months, it will be achieved through the implementation of strict rules to terminate contracts for unviable, stalled and speculative schemes.

This announcement comes in line with recent measures taken by Ofgem to remove stalled projects from the transmission queue, a crucial step towards optimizing infrastructure and accelerating the connection of viable projects. Jonathan Brearley, CEO of Ofgem, emphasized the urgency of reforms to achieve decarbonisation targets by 2035, highlighting that efficiency in building new transmission infrastructure in the UK is essential.

The Connections Action Plan covers several measures, such as increasing entry requirements to ensure the quality of projects and dissuade speculative applications. Furthermore, it aims to improve the use of existing network capacity, abandoning the “first come, first served” approach. The most efficient allocation of available capacity will be based on the readiness and ability to quickly implement projects.

The Energy Act 2023 gave Ofgem a legal net zero duty, reinforcing its role in protecting consumers' interests and supporting the government to achieve the target of net zero emissions by 2050. These initiatives are in line with the commitment to build a cleaner, more accessible and safer energy matrix, providing economic benefits and boosting growth, employment and domestic investment.

The Electricity System Operator (ESO) and UK network companies are also collaborating to implement immediate and long-term actions. The plan will strengthen the deployment of renewable production, ensure energy security and support decarbonization in several industries. The connection process will be redesigned to prioritize projects ready to move forward, and a screening process managed by the Department of Energy Security and Net Zero will support strategically important projects.

By improving data and processes, the plan aims to provide connecting customers with an improved understanding of the condition of networks, reducing speculative applications. Ofgem will carry out a full review of incentives and connection requirements.

In addition, long-term connection process models will be developed in line with market reform, and the plan aims to free up capacity in the network to meet the goals of a decarbonized energy sector by 2035.

These initiatives follow Ofgem's new policy to eliminate obstructive projects, known as “zombie projects”, and reduce waiting times for grid connections. The changes aim to speed up connections to viable projects and remove paralyzed or speculative developers from the queue, representing a significant step towards a more efficient and sustainable system.


Read too: US Department of Energy Allots US$ 31 Million for Energy Efficiency
