Minerals and Clean Energy Summit to Bring Global Leaders Together in September

The International Energy Agency (IEA) will host the first international summit on critical minerals and their role in clean energy transitions in Paris. The information was announced by the executive director of the agency, Fatih Birol. The event, which will take place on September 28, 2023, will bring together government and business leaders to discuss the importance of […]
Energy Efficiency and Competitiveness: The Crucial Role of Sustainability in Brazilian Agribusiness

Brazilian agribusiness has grown a lot in recent years, becoming one of the most competitive today. Products such as coffee, rice, corn, soy and sugar cane have a projected production of over 150 million tons per year. Surpassing all indices, sugar cane has a production projection of 632 million tons […]
Solar Energy in Brazil Reaches 9GWp

And solar energy is an important investment for the Brazilian market, solar panels or photovoltaic energy work to reduce or eliminate the costs of producing electricity. A clean and renewable energy, solar energy is a significant piece for the consumer market. It is important to point out that the implementation [...]
Global Investments in Clean Energy Match Spending on Fossil Fuels for the First Time

Global investment in clean energy equals spending on fossil fuels for the first time in history, according to an analysis by Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BloombergNEF or BNEF). In 2022, the world invested US$ 1.1 trillion in the transition to more sustainable and cleaner energy sources, approximately equal to the amount invested in the production of oil, gas […]
Free Energy Market in Brazil and the Challenges for Energy Trading

The Free Energy Market (MLE) works as an environment in which consumers can make free choice with energy suppliers. Within a portfolio of several products, the customer may have access and the right to portability in the electricity bill system. There is a clear negotiation process between consumers and suppliers, […]