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For a positive mood

For a positive mood

Sustainable Evolution: Companies Adopt Innovative Strategies for Energy Efficiency

The business scenario, increasingly aware of the need for sustainable practices, is witnessing a revolution in the approach to energy efficiency. Technological developments driven by the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 have not only accelerated digital transformation, but also highlighted the critical importance of optimizing energy consumption. In this context, companies are seeking […]

Tax Incentives Drive Advancement of Renewable Energy Storage in the US

The recent passage of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 in the United States has accelerated the advancement of energy storage as renewable energy developers and utility companies seek to diversify their revenue sources. The legislation includes investment tax credits (ITCs) for the first time exclusively for energy storage, […]

MCP Moves R$ 1.3 Billion with Default of 2% in CCEE Settlement

No mês de setembro de 2023, o Mercado de Curto Prazo (MCP) do setor elétrico brasileiro alcançou movimentação financeira expressiva, totalizando R$ 1,3 bilhão, conforme dados divulgados pela Câmara de Comercialização de Energia Elétrica (CCEE). Essa cifra integra o montante contabilizado de R$ 2,39 bilhões na liquidação financeira realizada no período. A CCEE identificou que, […]

IRENA Predicts Growth in Innovation in Offshore Wind Energy

Offshore wind energy is emerging as a vital and cost-effective option for providing electricity to densely populated coastal areas due to its significant output and ability to rapidly deploy on a gigawatt scale. To drive this expansion, innovation becomes crucial, as revealed in the “Offshore Wind Energy Patent Insights Report.” […]

Grid Connection Delays Challenge UK Clean Energy Projects

A Associação de Governo Local (LGA) do Reino Unido alerta que mais de mil projetos de energia limpa, devidamente licenciados para planeamento, encontram-se em um estado de espera, aguardando construção. Este impasse na implementação representa um risco significativo para o alcance das metas líquidas zero estabelecidas para combater as mudanças climáticas, conforme destaca a LGA. […]
