IRENA Presents Breakthrough Report on Affordable Financing for the Energy Transition in the G20

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 15 May 2023 – The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), in collaboration with the Indian Presidency of the G20, today presented a comprehensive report on the role of low-cost financing in accelerating the energy transition . The report, titled “Financing for Low-Cost Energy Transition”, […]
The Silenced Impacts: the Environmental and Historical Legacy of Hydroelectric Power Plants

Hydroelectric energy is generated from the transformation of kinetic energy of water into electrical energy, through the passage of water in turbines that drive generators. Brazil is known worldwide for being a country rich in water resources, which makes hydroelectric plants the largest energy matrix in the country. With its 60% […]
Transforming Lives: Decentralized Renewable Solutions Strengthen Vulnerable Communities

More than 760 million people in the world still do not have access to electricity, mainly in rural areas of sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, where many communities depend on polluting sources such as coal and kerosene. Limited access to electricity can affect people's everyday lives, limiting their economic opportunities and […]
Minister of Mines and Energy announces Electricity Transmission Concession Plan to Boost Renewable Generation in the Northeast Region

The Minister of Mines and Energy, Alexandre Silveira, launched last Friday (05/05) the long-awaited Electricity Transmission Grant Plan (POTEE), during a meeting with governors of the Northeast Consortium in Fortaleza (CE). With total investments of R$ 56 billion, POTEE aims to improve the transmission line infrastructure in the […]
G7 Unites with IRENA in Call for Rapid Deployment of Renewables

At a meeting held in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates on April 18, 2023, G7 leaders expressed concern about the global pace of deployment of renewable energy sources, referring to the latest World Energy Transitions Outlook Preview report 2023 of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA, […]