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For a positive mood

For a positive mood

Climate Risks: 1 Billion New Air Conditioners Threaten Health and Environment

Air conditioning is a device that has become popular all over the world, especially in hot climate regions. However, the excessive use of these devices can have negative consequences for both health and the environment. With the growth in demand for air conditioning, it is estimated that there are more than one billion units in […]

Energia Elétrica Teve Aumento De 47% Nos Últimos 5 Anos

Segundo a Associação dos Grandes Consumidores Industriais de Energia e de Consumidores Livres (Abrace), o custo da energia elétrica no Brasil teve um aumento expressivo de 47% nos últimos cinco anos. Esse aumento coloca o país como o segundo com a conta de luz mais cara do mundo, atrás apenas da Colômbia, impactando diretamente o […]

Governo Anuncia Mudanças na Tarifa da Cobrança Fio A

O Governo Federal divulgou recentemente mudanças na cobrança da tarifa Fio A, que é aplicada na distribuição de energia elétrica em todo o país. Através da Lei nº 14.300, a cobrança terá uma redução de 10% em relação ao valor atual. A medida tem como objetivo principal trazer mais economia para o consumidor final, que […]

Solutions for Asia's Increased Energy Consumption Due to Extreme Heat

An intense heat wave is wreaking havoc across much of Asia, resulting in deaths and school closures in India, as well as record temperatures in China and Southeast Asian countries. This phenomenon, probably related to climate change, occurs about two months before summer in the Northern Hemisphere, even without […]

Days of Extreme Heat: The Challenge of Cities in Times of Climate Change

Around the world, cities are facing an increasingly urgent challenge: dealing with the extreme heat caused by climate change. Rising temperatures and the frequency of heat waves have put the health and well-being of urban dwellers at risk, in addition to overloading existing infrastructure. To the […]
