The Importance of Integrating Solutions for Water Crises in Brazil's Energy Transition

By 2025, it is estimated that two-thirds of the world's population will face water scarcity due to the climate crisis and inadequate use of water resources. Taking into account the population growth projected for the next three years, more than 5.46 billion people could be affected. The lack of water, an essential resource for life, […]
ANEEL Realizará um Dos Maiores Leilões de Sua História no Primeiro Semestre de 2023

A Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica (ANEEL) realizará um dos maiores leilões de sua história no primeiro semestre de 2023. Com a expectativa de atrair cerca de R$ 15,7 bilhões em investimentos, o Leilão de Transmissão nº 1/2023 está programado para ocorrer no dia 30 de junho, na sede da B3, em São Paulo. Nesse […]
Fontes Hidráulica, Eólica e Solar Suprem 91,4% da Demanda de Energia no Início do Ano

Durante os meses de janeiro a abril, as fontes de energia hidráulica, eólica e solar desempenharam um papel fundamental na matriz energética, atendendo de forma significativa à demanda por eletricidade. A energia hidráulica, proveniente de usinas hidrelétricas, continuou sendo uma das principais fontes de geração, representando aproximadamente 47979,1 MW do suprimento energético nesse período. Além […]
Global Leaders Seek to Accelerate Energy Transition at 25th IRENA Board Meeting

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 23 May 2023 – The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) held its twenty-fifth Council meeting in Abu Dhabi, with the aim of accelerating the global energy transition in a fair and inclusive way. The meeting took place six months before the 28th Conference on Climate Change (COP28), […]
Netherlands Makes History by Shutting Down Offshore Wind Farms in the North Sea to Protect Migratory Birds

In a first-of-its-kind measure, offshore wind farms in the North Sea have been temporarily shut down to protect migratory birds crossing the region. This innovative action, described as an international milestone, was announced by the Dutch Minister of Climate and Energy Policy, Rob Jetten. On May 13th, the wind farms near Borssele […]