Logo Energia Que Inova - Branco

For a positive mood

For a positive mood

Brazil Adds 3 Gw of Solar Energy in 5 Months

O setor de energia solar no Brasil está vivendo um momento histórico. Em menos de cinco meses, foram adicionados impressionantes 3 GW de potência instalada em sistemas de geração distribuída (GD) solar. Esses dados recentes revelam um salto significativo na adoção da energia solar no país. Em dados apresentados pela ANEEL (Agência Nacional de Energia […]

Accelerated Growth of On-Grid and Off-Grid Solar Energy Systems in Brazil

In recent years, Brazil has witnessed significant growth in the adoption of on-grid solar energy systems. These systems, which are connected to the conventional electrical grid, have become an increasingly attractive option for homes and businesses looking for sustainable and cost-effective solutions. With the cost of solar panels falling and […]

Carbon Market Is an Important Tool to Combat Climate Change

Large Brazilian companies joined in a movement for the establishment of a regulated carbon market in the country. The Vice President of the Republic received a document signed by 45 companies, delivered at a private meeting held in São Paulo and promoted by the Brazilian Business Council for Sustainable Development (CEBDS). The document titled “Positioning of the sector […]

Update of Brazil's Energy Balance for 2023

De acordo com os mais recentes dados divulgados pela Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica (ANEEL), a capacidade instalada de energia no Brasil teve um aumento significativo nos primeiros quatro meses deste ano, atingindo um total de 3.343,1 megawatts (MW). Desse incremento, cerca de 49,15% são provenientes de usinas eólicas, contribuindo com 1.643 MW, enquanto as […]

Sustainable Aviation: Towards an Ecofriendly Future

With increasing global concern about climate change, the aviation industry is committed to adopting more sustainable practices and reducing its environmental impact. Through technological advances and innovations, aviation is embarking on a journey towards sustainability, seeking to become greener and more responsible. With the development of […]
