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For a positive mood

For a positive mood

James Cameron's Science Fiction Shows the Perspective of Sustainability Connected to Life

The film “Avatar”, made by James Cameron, released its long-awaited sequel in 2022. The film is true to its sustainable and environmental essence. Recognized worldwide for technological innovation and Oscar-winning in categories such as art direction, visual effects and photography, the film addresses the connection between lives and the environment […]

Do You Know What Energy Transition Is?

The energy transition is a comprehensive process that seeks a gradual shift towards a low-carbon economy. This implies a new condition, with a broader and more systemic vision for environmental and social sustainability. However, this change is not restricted to power generation alone. It also encompasses the […]

The Growing Low Carbon Economy

Corporate sustainability is becoming a growing trend in Brazil and worldwide. There are also companies seeking to integrate ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) practices into their strategies. In the environmental aspect, the reduction of carbon emissions is one of the main measures adopted, by replacing fossil energy sources with renewable ones and […]

Find out how REC Brazil is driving renewable energy!

In Brazil, the National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL) established the renewable energy certification system called Renewable Energy Certificate Brazil (REC Brazil). With this initiative, consumers have the opportunity to purchase energy from renewable sources, such as wind, solar, biomass and hydroelectric, even without direct access to the networks of these sources. With the objective […]

The Global Consolidation of the Decarbonization Economy

The transition to a decarbonisation economy is critical to tackling global climate change. Countries around the world are taking steps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, including the adoption of renewable energy sources and low-carbon technologies. The implementation of carbon pricing policies and the […]
