Photovoltaic Effect: the Future of Integrating Solar Cells into Fabrics and Portable Devices

In a scenario of constant technological evolution, applications of the photovoltaic effect have experienced significant advances, expanding their presence beyond conventional solar energy generation systems. In recent years, notable interest and progress have been observed in the field of emerging applications of the photovoltaic effect, with special emphasis on the integration of solar cells into […]
Brazilian Consumers Will Save R$85 Billion with Solar Energy by 2031

A recent study commissioned by the Brazilian Photovoltaic Solar Energy Association (Absolar) and conducted by consultancy Volt Robotics reveals that self-generation of solar energy in Brazil is providing impressive net savings of more than R$ 84.9 billion by 2031 for Brazilian consumers of electrical energy. This milestone highlights the substantial benefits […]
North American State of Michigan Sets Target of 100% of Clean Energy by 2040

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer is poised to sign into law an ambitious package of renewable energy bills, known as the Clean Energy Future Plan, that just passed the state legislature. This plan sets progressive goals for the transition to clean energy sources, drawing praise from pro-energy organizations […]
Chemical Energy: Environmental Challenges and Perspectives in the Energy Transition

Chemical energy, present in many daily activities, stands out for its transformation capacity and versatility. Concrete examples highlight its practical application, but also reveal challenges that prevent broader and more efficient adoption, especially in the midst of the ongoing energy transition. Cells, Batteries and Energy Transformation In modern everyday life, […]
Load of the National Interconnected System Exceeds 100 Gw for the First Time in History

The National Electric System Operator (ONS) announced today that, at 2:40 pm, the load of the National Interconnected System (SIN) reached a historic milestone, surpassing the 100,000 MW mark for the first time. The previous record, set on September 26, 2023, was 97,659 MW. The significant increase in energy demand was attributed […]