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For a positive mood

For a positive mood

General Electric Promotes GE Solar Roadmap 2023

A GE Solar está promovendo o projeto Rota Solar GE 2023, com o objetivo de impulsionar e difundir a energia solar fotovoltaica no Brasil. O projeto envolve a utilização de um caminhão customizado que funcionará como uma unidade móvel e percorrerá 15 cidades nas regiões Centro-Oeste, Sudeste e Sul do país. O período de realização […]

World Environment Day: Guidelines for Energy Efficiency

World Environment Day is an important date to reflect on actions for sustainability and preservation of natural resources. Serves as a reminder to governments. It serves for companies and society to take responsibility for adopting sustainable practices. Energy efficiency is a relevant agenda in this context, involving awareness, education, […]

Application of Green Hydrogen and the Conditions for Sustainable Projects

Several countries around the world are proposing green hydrogen projects as a sustainable solution for energy production. The European Union and the United States are investing billions of dollars to boost the use of this type of hydrogen. Countries such as Australia, the Netherlands, Germany, China and Saudi Arabia are also implementing ambitious projects […]

Allbirds and the World's First Zero Carbon Shoe

A marca Allbirds lançou o M0.0NSHOT, o primeiro calçado carbono zero do mundo, evidenciando seu compromisso com a sustentabilidade. O produto utiliza materiais sustentáveis, como lã regenerativa e espuma à base de cana-de-açúcar, e adota embalagens e transporte eficientes em carbono. O resultado é a redução significativa das emissões de carbono. Essa ideia ajuda a […]

The Dangers of Burning Fossil Fuels: Threats to Health and the Environment

In a recent address, UN chief António Guterres warned of the deadly impacts of burning fossil fuels, which results in the deaths of 1.2 million people a year. He pointed out that it is still possible to limit the global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius, but this will require a 45% reduction in […]
