Solar Energy Boosts Profitability and Sustainability in Brazilian Agribusiness

Farmers in Brazil are always looking for alternatives that can boost the profitability of their commercial activities. With the growing demand for agricultural products and the challenges faced in the sector, such as adverse weather conditions and fluctuations in commodity prices, farmers are exploring different strategies to improve their bottom line. One of […]
Expansion of Generation Capacity in May: 4,610.20 MW in New Plants and 1,267.1 MW of Growth

In the month of May 2023, the Brazilian electrical matrix registered a notable growth. This happens with the entry into commercial operation of 144 plants, totaling an expansion of 4,610.20 MW. The main sources of energy were wind and solar photovoltaics. This data represents 87.6% of installed capacity in the year. Bahia […]
Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) Debates Solutions for Isolated Systems Aiming at Decarbonization

O Ministério de Minas e Energia realizou o Workshop de Integração e Planejamento do Programa Pró-Amazônia Legal. O foco está na transição energética na Amazônia. O evento reuniu membros do Comitê Gestor do Pró-Amazônia Legal para debater aspectos regulatórios e elaborar o Plano de Trabalho Anual. No segundo dia, representantes da sociedade civil e do […]
National Energy Agency (ANEEL) Approves Methodology for Calculating Tariffs for Use of the Transmission and Distribution System

A ANEEL aprovou a metodologia para o cálculo das tarifas TUST e TUSD para centrais de geração conectadas em 88 kV e 138 kV. Essa decisão terá impacto nos próximos cinco ciclos tarifários, de 2023 a 2028. O objetivo é realinhar os custos de transmissão e garantir um equilíbrio na cobrança pelo uso do Sistema […]
Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) Debates Solutions for Isolated Systems Aiming at Decarbonization

In June, the Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) promoted the Integration and Planning Workshop of the Legal Pro-Amazon Program, focusing on the “Energy Transition in the Amazon”. The event, held in Brasília (DF), was organized by the Executive Secretariat of the Pro-Amazônia Legal Management Committee (CGPAL), coordinated by the National Secretariat for Energy Transition and Planning of the MME. […]