Brazil walks towards having a regulated carbon market before COP28

Brazil is advancing in the discussion on the creation of a regulated carbon market, aiming to arrive with a legal framework approved for COP28, the UN climate conference to be held in December in the city of Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates. Since COP26, held in 2021, the country has been committed to establishing a […]
PEC 37/21 Proposes Making Climate Security a Fundamental Right

A proposta de adicionar o direito à segurança climática como um novo direito fundamental à Constituição do Brasil, por meio da PEC 37/21. O que existe é a proteção da população brasileira contra os impactos das mudanças climáticas. Essa medida abrange a implementação de políticas públicas voltadas para a redução de emissões de gases de […]
Distributed Generation: drop in the price of solar panels boosts the energy market

No Brasil, o mercado de geração distribuída está sendo impulsionado pela queda no preço dos painéis solares, incluindo o polissilício, principal matéria-prima. As instalações já ultrapassaram 22 GW, com estimativa de encerrarem o ano com cerca de 26 GW de capacidade. Os sistemas fotovoltaicos residenciais também tiveram uma redução de 44% nos preços entre 2016 […]
Drop in the price of solar panels boosts the distributed generation market in Brazil

The distributed generation market is experiencing a promising moment due to the drop in prices of solar panels. In the first half of 2023, distributed generation facilities in Brazil surpassed the 22 GW mark, and the expectation is that they will end the year with around 26 GW of capacity, according to […]
PEC 37/21 Proposes Making Climate Security a Fundamental Right

Fundamental rights are important constitutional categories for a nation. In the quest to guarantee these rights, Brazil can add a new fundamental right to its Constitution: the right to climate security. Climate security implies adopting effective measures to mitigate the impacts of climate change, adapting to present and future challenges. That […]