Wind and Solar Energy Growth in China May Accelerate Reduction of Global Carbon Emissions

In a movement of continuous growth, China stands out in the expansion of solar and wind energy, driving what has been called the “green wave”. This trend holds out hope for limiting global carbon emissions more quickly and effectively. Through the significant increase in solar panel installations, it is estimated that […]
IEA Releases Overview of the Energy Market in 2023

The International Energy Agency (IEA) released a recent report on the world's global electricity demand in 2023, with growth projections for 2024. According to the report, a decrease in the overall growth for electricity worldwide is expected , with an expected increase of less than 2% in 2023, below the […]
China Announces Expansion in Energy Framework and Carbon Reduction

China has announced a major expansion in the framework of its energy savings and carbon reduction strategy to encompass energy-intensive industries. According to the country's National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), in a document released by the group, the objective is to reach new levels of energy efficiency in 11 […]
Electric Sector Short Term Market Turned R$ 716.8 Million in May

O Mercado de Curto Prazo do Setor Elétrico apresentou um expressivo crescimento em maio, registrando movimentações que totalizaram R$ 716,8 milhões, de acordo com informações da Câmara de Comercialização de Energia Elétrica (CCEE). Os dados revelam um cenário promissor para o setor, impulsionado pelo aumento na demanda de energia e pela diversificação de fontes renováveis. […]
Decarbonization of the Amazon and Clean Energy Will Be Themes of G20 Meetings

Between September 9 and 10, 2023, the 18th G20 Summit of Heads of State and Government is scheduled to take place in New Delhi, India. In this important event, Brazil will play an active role in the search for effective solutions in the fight against deforestation and in the decarbonization of the Amazon, a […]