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For a positive mood

For a positive mood

Alarming Record: Antarctic Sea Ice Records Historical Minimum Level

While the Northern Hemisphere faces a record heat wave during the summer, in the extreme south, in the middle of winter, another worrying climate record is being broken. Antarctic sea ice is reaching unprecedented levels for this time of year. Traditionally, Antarctic sea ice declines to its lowest levels in late February, […]

Earth Overshoot Day Alert to the Need for More Sustainable Consumption

August 2, 2023. Humanity has reached Earth Overshoot Day, a symbolic date that represents the moment when the demand for natural resources exceeds the planet's ability to regenerate in one year. This means that, as of that date, we entered an “ecological deficit”, using resources beyond […]

SIN Energy Load Registers Growth of 3.8% in the First Half

A carga de energia do Sistema Interligado Nacional (SIN) encerrou o primeiro semestre de 2023 com um aumento de 3,8% em comparação ao mesmo período do ano anterior, totalizando 71.077 Megawatts médios (MWmédios). Os dados foram divulgados no Boletim de Carga Mensal pelo Operador Nacional do Sistema Elétrico (ONS). Além disso, no acumulado dos últimos […]

China Breaks Power Generation Record Amid Heatwave

A China Energy Investment Corporation, uma das maiores geradoras de energia movida a carvão do mundo, anunciou que atingiu um recorde diário de geração de eletricidade na segunda-feira, em meio a uma intensa onda de calor no país. De acordo com um comunicado divulgado na terça-feira, a estatal registrou uma geração total de eletricidade de […]

Wind Generation in Brazil Reaches New Records in 2023

The first days of the second half of 2023 were marked by records in wind power generation in Brazil. According to data from the National Electric System Operator (ONS), the production of energy from this renewable source reached unprecedented rates in the country, consolidating the commitment to the expansion of clean and renewable energies. On day 4 […]
