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For a positive mood

For a positive mood

Oil's Slow Decline: Industry Sets to Redefine Its Energy Future

A new era in the energy industry appears to be in sight, as the International Energy Agency (IEA) has released a startling prediction that the world is heading towards a peak in global oil use by the end of this decade. This announcement marks the first time the IEA has forecast a spike in […]

Business: Exploring the Potential of the Free Energy Market in Brazil

The Brazilian energy scenario experienced a notable revolution after the establishment of the Free Energy Market in 1995, a historic milestone made possible by pioneering legislation. Prior to this turning point, companies were confined to acquiring electricity from local distributors, with no room for choice or negotiation. However, as the market […]

US Government to Invest US$ 1.2 Billion to Boost Air Carbon Capture Projects

O governo dos Estados Unidos está prestes a dar um passo decisivo em direção ao controle das emissões de carbono e ao enfrentamento das mudanças climáticas, com um investimento significativo de US$ 1,2 bilhão em projetos de captura de carbono do ar. Especialistas em energia destacam a importância dessa iniciativa para conter as emissões de […]

Wind Energy Leads Expansion in Electricity Generation in July in Brazil

The month of July marked a significant boost in the supply of electricity in Brazil, with wind energy standing out as the main source of expansion, according to data from the National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL). Analysis of the numbers reveals that over 80% of the capacity added during the month came from […]

Sustainable Revolution: Electric Cars Become Pillars of the Energy Transition

Uma Revolução Sustentável está em andamento à medida que os veículos elétricos (VEs) assumem um novo papel como pilares essenciais na busca global pela transição energética. Mais do que apenas alternativas ecológicas aos veículos tradicionais, os VEs estão emergindo como provedores de serviços vitais para redes elétricas inteligentes e eficientes. O consenso sobre a urgência […]
