The First Thermoelectric Power Plant to Use Pre-Salt Natural Gas Opens

Last Wednesday (22/11), the first thermoelectric plant to use natural gas extracted in the Pre-Salt came into operation, marking a significant milestone for the Brazilian energy industry. The Marlim Azul Thermoelectric Power Plant (UTE), located in the Macaé Logistics and Industrial Complex, in Rio de Janeiro, has a power of 565.5 MW, which enables it […]
COP28 in Dubai: Find Out Everything About the 2023 Climate Conference

A próxima 28ª Conferência das Partes (COP 28) da Convenção-Quadro das Nações Unidas sobre Mudança do Clima (UNFCCC) em Dubai deve começar sem a presença de dois importantes líderes globais: o Presidente Joe Biden dos Estados Unidos e o Presidente Xi Jinping da China. Essa reviravolta inesperada, de acordo com fontes próximas ao governo dos […]
Transmission: Key Strategy for Achieving Global Renewable Energy Targets by 2040

In the wake of the COP28 Climate Summit, around 60 regions, including the United States and the European Union, express support for the ambitious goal of tripling global renewable energy capacity to reach 11 terawatts (TW) by 2040. Highlighting transmission as a key player In this challenge, the analysis carried out in collaboration with researchers at Dartmouth […]
Brasil e Suécia Unem Forças para Promover Economia Verde

Brasil e Suécia estão intensificando esforços para fortalecer a cooperação em diversas áreas, visando promover a economia verde e impulsionar a transição energética. O presidente da Confederação Nacional da Indústria (CNI), Ricardo Alban, destacou a necessidade de identificar novas iniciativas de cooperação bilateral diante dos desafios apresentados pela digitalização e descarbonização da produção industrial. O […]
Brazilian Electricity Matrix Reaches Almost 8 GW of Renewable Generation in 2023

Brazil has reached a significant milestone in its renewable electricity matrix, approaching 8 gigawatts (GW) in generation projects opened by October 2023. The National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL) recorded an expansion of 7,799.1 megawatts (MW ) throughout the year, with emphasis on centralized wind and solar sources, which contributed […]