Aneel Proposes Simplification of Consumer Migration in the Electricity Market

A Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica (Aneel) informou em recente nota técnica sua intenção de simplificar o processo de migração de consumidores para o mercado livre de energia elétrica. A proposta busca agilizar a transição dos consumidores para o ambiente de contratação livre (ACL) a partir de janeiro de 2024. De acordo com os dados […]
Gasoline Stations Begin Transition to Charging Stations for Electric Vehicles

The automotive landscape is quickly adapting to the growing presence of electric vehicles, and this change is echoing at gas stations around the world. While some stations are investing in expensive renovations to include charging stations for electric vehicles, others are migrating completely to this new approach. Notable examples include a post in […]
Equatorial Goiás Provides Reduction of 3.91% in the Average High Voltage Energy Tariff

The most recent Public Hearing nº 015/2023, promoted by the National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL), brought surprising news for medium high voltage energy consumers in the Equatorial Goiás region. During the event held in Goiânia/GO, in headquarters of the Brazilian Bar Association, a reduction of 3.91% in the tariff […]
Ecological Transition in the Legal Amazon: Economic Models Project Promising Scenarios for 2050

A set of economic models – developed by several Brazilian institutions such as WRI Brasil and Laboratório Cenergia – was used to design different scenarios for the economy of the Legal Amazon (AML) in 2050. Under the guidance of the Paris Agreement, which advocates deforestation zero, the expansion of the bioeconomy, forest restoration and […]
Asian Companies Redouble Efforts to Achieve Net Zero Emissions Amid Climate Challenges

Companies in the Asia-Pacific region are stepping up their commitments to reducing carbon emissions and adopting environmentally sustainable practices. Based in notably polluting countries such as China, India and Japan, this region also faces unique vulnerabilities stemming from extreme climate change, such as heat waves and flooding. Despite the growing […]