Logo Energia Que Inova - Branco

For a positive mood

For a positive mood

The Carbon Reduction Goals in Brazil

The 26th United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP 26 – Conference Of the Parties), held in Glasgow, Scotland, brought together 190 countries to discuss energy measures to combat global warming. During the conference, Brazil announced its goals and proposals for the coming years. According to the specialized organization […]

The Growing Low Carbon Economy

The low-carbon economy is a growing trend in Brazil and around the world, with companies seeking to meet stakeholder demands and preserve the environment. The implementation of sustainable practices can be evaluated using ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) criteria. With regard to the environmental aspect, the reduction [...]

Brazil Exceeds 23 GW in its Solar Operating Income

The solar energy market in Brazil has seen exponential growth in recent years, especially since the country became a signatory to the Paris Agreement in 2017. In 2022, photovoltaic energy generation reached a historic milestone, with 22.3 gigawatts of power installed. This number is a big improvement compared to the […]

Sustainable Consumption of Water and Energy is Central Theme at the World Symposium

The first Global Symposium on Sustainable Water and Energy Solutions, held in November 2022 in the city of Foz do Iguaçu, located in the State of Paraná, Brazil, was attended by representatives from 22 countries. The event brought together specialists and representatives of governments, international organizations and companies, and the private sector. O […]

When to Generate My Own Energy?

Geração de energia própria é uma tendência cada vez mais popular em todo o mundo, e é uma escolha inteligente para aqueles que buscam independência energética e economia a longo prazo. Mas, quando é o momento ideal para você gerar sua própria energia? Aqui estão algumas considerações técnicas que você deve ter em mente ao […]
