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For a positive mood

For a positive mood

Investments in the Brazilian Electric Energy Sector

The energy sector in Brazil is experiencing significant growth and rapid change, with a growing trend towards investing in renewable energy sources. The New Energy Outlook study by Bloomberg New Energy Finance predicts that by 2040, the country will attract approximately US$ 300 billion in investments for electricity generation. That […]

COP 15 Signs Historic Agreement to Protect the Planet

Convention signed for the first time at the Earth Summit, in Rio de Janeiro, in 1992, the United Nations (UN) Conference on Biodiversity (COP 15 – Conference of Parties), aims to protect and preserve natural resources. natural resources of the Earth, through the sustainable use of biodiversity and its equal distribution […]

O Novo Cenário do Mercado Energético Global

O setor de energia é uma das indústrias mais importantes do mundo, fornecendo a energia necessária para alimentar a economia global e permitir o desenvolvimento industrial e humano. No entanto, nos últimos anos, o mercado global de energia passou por mudanças significativas, com o surgimento de novas tecnologias e fontes de energia alternativas. As fontes […]

The Age of 5G Is the Age of Renewable Energy

Evolution in the Telecommunications sector is strongly linked to the energy transition. 5G has proven to be a technology of great importance, and its direct connection to renewable energies is undeniable. With the growing demand for data traffic, energy efficiency and stabilized operating costs are essential requirements. It is here that […]

Scenario of the Brazilian Electric Energy Market

A década passada foi marcada por mudanças significativas no setor de energia elétrica no Brasil, que até então dependia predominantemente de fontes hídricas. O país possuía grandes rios alimentados por chuvas abundantes, o que justificava a escolha desta matriz energética. No entanto, com as mudanças climáticas globais, o setor enfrentou grandes desafios, impactando na geração, […]
