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For a positive mood

For a positive mood

Christiana Figueres and the Role of Business in the Fight Against Climate Change

Christiana Figueres, diplomat and climate leader, has been a leading voice in the fight against climate change. In several lectures and speeches, she has emphasized the importance of companies' involvement in this fight, and the positive impact that the adoption of sustainable measures can have for business. According to Figueres, companies have a […]

Energy Storage Solutions for Sustainable Buildings and Communities

The implementation of energy storage solutions for buildings and communities is a growing trend in the search for energy efficiency and sustainability. Sustainable buildings and communities seek to increase their energy efficiency through the use of renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind and hydroelectric, in addition to storing this energy to ensure its constant availability. […]

Brazil Leader in Renewable Energy: Hydrogen Program

Brazil is positioning itself as one of the world's main players in the production of renewable energy. The fact is thanks to the National Hydrogen Program. Coordinated by the Ministry of Mines and Energy, the program aims to produce clean and renewable hydrogen from sources such as sun and wind. With its rich biodiversity, […]

Jane Goodall's Voice in the Quest for Renewable Energy

Dr. Jane Goodall, conhecida por sua dedicação à pesquisa sobre chimpanzés e sua atuação como ativista pelo meio ambiente, tem sido uma importante voz na luta pela sustentabilidade e uso de energias renováveis. Em suas palestras e entrevistas, ela destaca a necessidade urgente de mudanças significativas em nossos hábitos de consumo de energia e de […]

Energy Storage Systems Improve Energy Security in Isolated Communities

The implementation of energy storage systems in isolated communities is an important measure to ensure energy security, improve people's quality of life and stimulate local economic development. Investments in energy storage technologies can also stimulate the local economy by creating jobs in the production, installation and maintenance of […]
