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For a positive mood

For a positive mood

Offshore Wind Farms: The Future of Clean Energy on the Seas

Off-shore wind farms are being studied and developed in recent years. They take advantage of stronger winds in deep water, generating more energy than land parks. Furthermore, they are a viable alternative for coastal regions with land limitations. Its installation is crucial in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and […]

Clean and Renewable Energy in Focus at COP 27

COP 27 discusses green hydrogen as a clean energy source for decarbonization. Investments are US$ 300 billion by 2030, with US$ 80 billion already allocated. Green hydrogen is obtained from renewable sources, it replaces fossil fuels in several sectors. Brazil has potential in this market due to the diversity of sources […]

Public Policies for Energy Efficiency

The search for public policies that promote energy efficiency is an increasingly relevant topic around the world. Countries such as Brazil, the European Union and the United States have invested in projects to encourage environmental preservation in order to meet the UN's sustainability goals. In addition, organizations such as ANEEL and IEA have adopted […]

Stock Exchanges: Sustainability and Carbon Reduction

The Stock Exchanges include sustainability bonds, adopt sustainable investment criteria and promote the environmental and social responsibility of companies. Sustainability policies and initiatives drive the inclusion of green and social bonds, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting more sustainable development. Stock exchanges play a […]

Carbon Indexes on the Exchange: Challenges and Opportunities

The implementation of efficient carbon indices on the Brazilian Stock Exchange (IBOVESPA) promotes companies' environmental and social responsibility. However, it does require rigorous data management and regulatory compliance. Companies can strengthen reputations, drive innovation and partnerships by adopting sustainable practices. Learn more about the challenges and opportunities that […]
