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For a positive mood

ONS Launches New Georeferencing Application for the National Operating System

O National Electric System Operator (ONS) announces a significant milestone in the management of the Brazilian electrical system with the launch of SINMAPS, its new georeferencing application. Developed on the ARCGIS platform, SINMAPS replaces the old SINDAT (SIN Registration Information System), consolidating a technological transition that aims to improve the monitoring and administration of the National Interconnected System (SIN).

The main purpose of SINMAPS is to provide important information about the energy transmission and generation sectors in Brazil. Integrating digital maps and data from the ONS Technical Database, the application offers an integrated interface for efficient and quick consultation.

With an intuitive interface and comprehensive functionalities, the application allows the comprehensive registration of plants, substations and transmission lines that make up the ONS Operation Network. In addition, it allows visualization of the planned network based on the SIN Medium-Term Electrical Operation Plan (PAR/PEL) report, quick search for the location of installations and transmission equipment, personalized reports and extraction of information about the network's equipment. ONS operating network in different formats.

The implementation of SINMAPS represents a significant advance in the management of the Brazilian electrical system, contributing to the country's operational efficiency and energy security. By streamlining data access and analysis, ONS strengthens its position as a crucial player in ensuring stable energy supply for Brazil.

The relevance of SINMAPS goes beyond operational optimization, as it plays a fundamental role in the country's energy security. By providing a comprehensive and detailed view of the national electrical infrastructure, the application empowers electrical sector professionals, regulatory authorities and others involved in making strategic decisions to ensure system stability.


ONS Seeks Energy Security Amid Crisis


Brazil faces a critical moment in its energy security, with electricity shortages affecting large areas of the Southeast. Worsening the situation, an unprecedented heat wave is driving extraordinary demand for electrical energy, creating a complex challenge for maintaining stable supply across the country.

In this challenging context, SINMAPS emerges as a vital tool for the resilience of the Brazilian electricity sector. Its ability to provide detailed information about transmission and generation infrastructure, combined with agility in data analysis, becomes essential in the face of the current energy crisis.

SINMAPS not only offers a comprehensive view of the national electrical grid, but also empowers managers to identify critical areas, optimize energy flow and make strategic decisions to overcome imminent challenges. Integration with base maps, including Google Earth, provides a three-dimensional view that facilitates quick identification of vulnerable points.

The exceptional demand for energy during the heat wave highlights the urgency of efficient and predictive management of the electrical system. SINMAPS, by offering a real-time view of the infrastructure, allows the anticipation of potential overloads and the implementation of preventive measures to ensure supply stability.

Furthermore, SINMAPS' ability to generate personalized reports and extract detailed information in specific formats, such as spreadsheets, speeds up decision making, providing detailed analyzes on the performance of different sectors of the electrical system.

In light of the ongoing crisis, SINMAPS stands out as an essential tool for proactive management, providing valuable insights to address immediate challenges and shape long-term strategies for Brazil's energy security. By combining advanced technology with the urgency of the moment, SINMAPS becomes a crucial ally in the search for effective and sustainable solutions for the Brazilian electricity sector.
