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For a positive mood

The Kidnapping Puzzle That May Have Halted the Progress of Solar Energy in the Early 20th Century

An argument often used to justify dependence on fossil fuels is that, throughout the 20th century, there were no viable alternatives for generating energy. However, a little-known narrative suggests that a viable alternative to solar energy may have been sabotaged by fossil fuel interests from the beginning of its existence.

In 1905, Canadian inventor George Cove established the Sun Electric Generator Corporation in New York and developed residential solar panels remarkably similar to those we use today. These panels even included a rudimentary battery to store energy when the sun was not present. However, the story of this inventor and his remarkable innovation is marked by a mysterious incident that cast doubt on the future of solar energy.

The Inventor and his Solar Panels

George Cove was one of the pioneers of the renewable energy sector, and his company, Sun Electric Generator Corporation, had capital of US$ 5 million, which would be equivalent to approximately US$ 160 million in today's values. Their residential solar panels began to gain media attention as early as 1909, when Modern Electrics magazine reported that these devices could store enough electrical energy to light an average home for a week with just two days of sunshine. Affordable solar energy was seen as promising freedom from poverty by providing access to low-cost light, heat and electricity, which could improve people's quality of life.

The enigmatic kidnapping

The turning point in history occurred in 1909, when George Cove was kidnapped, as reported by The New York Herald. The condition of his release was that he renounce his solar patent and close down his company. Cove rejected the offer, but was later released near the Bronx Zoo in New York. After this incident, Cove's business in the field of solar energy went into decline, which is puzzling considering the advances he had previously made in developing innovative solar devices.

Hidden Interests and Obstruction

The motive behind George Cove's kidnapping remains shrouded in mystery. Some have speculated that Cove faked the kidnapping to gain publicity, but this theory makes no sense given the widespread media interest in his invention. Other sources suggest that a former investor or interests linked to the fossil fuel sector could be behind the incident. Companies in the fossil fuel sector often adopted dishonest practices to eliminate competition, and solar energy was seen as a threat because it is a democratic technology that can empower people and communities.

Four Lost Decades

After the incident, the development of solar energy faced a period of stagnation, and there was no significant commercial activity for four decades, until Bell Labs revived the solar energy concept. Meanwhile, the coal and oil sectors grew rapidly, supported by government policies and public financing.

An Alternative Century

To understand what humanity lost during these four decades of stagnation in solar energy, we can apply the concept of Wright's Law, which suggests that as production increases, costs decrease due to process improvements. Considering a scenario in which solar energy would have competed with fossil fuels since 1910, it is possible to estimate that solar electricity would have become more economical than coal in 1997.

This estimate makes us reflect on the impact that the advancement of solar energy could have had on reducing carbon emissions and the development of associated technologies. The predominance of fossil fuels was not inevitable, but rather a choice that influenced the trajectory of energy development.

Solar energy is now the most affordable form of electricity generation, and its costs continue to decrease as we move forward. It's crucial to remember that the transition to solar energy is not a radical or new idea, but something that could have happened much earlier. With solar energy, we have the opportunity to build the sun-powered world that George Cove envisioned more than a century ago. It is essential to embrace this potential and make the right technological decisions for a more sustainable and cleaner future.

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This content was originally created in Portuguese.
