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For a positive mood

For a positive mood

Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) Debates Solutions for Isolated Systems Aiming at Decarbonization

In June, the Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) promoted the Integration and Planning Workshop of the Legal Pro-Amazon Program, focusing on the “Energy Transition in the Amazon”. The event, held in Brasília (DF), was organized by the Executive Secretariat of the Pro-Amazônia Legal Management Committee (CGPAL), coordinated by the National Secretariat for Energy Transition and Planning of the MME. O workshop aimed to present case studies in the Legal Amazon region and discuss issues related to energy generation and distribution.

On the first day of the event, the members of the Committee met to hold debates and reflections on the perspectives and expectations related to the conduct of the Pro-Amazônia Legal Program. During this session, relevant regulatory aspects were addressed, in addition to details on the preparation of the Annual Work Plan, an essential document for the execution of actions and projects with resources from Eletrobras, as established by Law No. 14,182 of 2021.

On the second day, MME technicians met with representatives of civil society, consumer associations, researchers and companies in the sector to discuss the energy transition in the Amazon. In this region, there is still a significant dependence on fossil fuels for energy generation. The National System Operator presented information on the operation of the Isolated Systems and the challenges of interconnecting these locations to the National Interconnected System (SIN).

Consumer leaders from isolated systems shared their main experiences, while representatives of companies and ONS discussed the challenges of interconnection to the national system. Despite being the largest region in terms of territory, the Legal Amazon has the lowest population density in the country, comprising seven of the nine states in that area. Therefore, it is crucial that the interconnection is done responsibly, seeking to minimize the environmental impact and respect the traditional communities present in the region.

The event was extremely important, as it addressed several issues related to the generation, storage, control and monitoring of energy in isolated systems. In addition, the role of compensation arising from the privatization of Eletrobras, which will total R$ 3 billion over 10 years, with an annual investment of R$ 300 million, as a source of funds for the Pro-Amazônia Legal Program, was highlighted.

The integration proposal discussed at the event aims not only to combat regional inequalities, but also energy poverty, guaranteeing access to electricity for communities, meeting their domestic needs and local economic activities, with reliability, security and affordable prices.

One of the main contributions of the event was the elaboration of a comprehensive report that will encompass all the contributions and discussions that took place during the workshop. These proposals will be incorporated into the action plans of the Pro-Amazônia Legal Program for the years 2023 and 2024.

It is important to emphasize the emphasis given to the integration of systems, energy efficiency and energy generation, through the articulation between institutions and organizations. These efforts have a direct impact on the decarbonization process in the Amazon, contributing to environmental preservation and reducing the impacts of the greenhouse effect.
