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For a positive mood

India Hosts 18th G20 Summit: Global Debates and Internal Challenges

Between September 9th and 10th, India will be in the global spotlight when it hosts the 18th G20 Summit, an event that brings together leaders from the world's largest economies to discuss pressing issues. This year's theme, “One Earth · One Family · One Future,” was inspired by an ancient Sanskrit text from the Maha Upanishad, emphasizing the value of all life – human, animal, plant and microbial – and their interconnectedness on both Earth and in the Universe.

The host country, India, is overjoyed at the event, as it recently achieved a remarkable feat by landing its probe on the Moon's south pole, further raising its international profile. The G20, originally conceived in 1999 as a meeting of economic ministers and central bank presidents, evolved into a summit of heads of state in 2008 in response to the global financial crisis.

The last summit, held in Bali, Indonesia, was marked by discussions about the war in Ukraine and its economic consequences. While some leaders proposed excluding Russia, the idea was rejected by the majority, resulting in a final statement that mentioned the war but did not explicitly condemn the Russian government. Concern about the damage caused by war, such as the restriction of global economic growth, increased inflation and energy and food insecurity, was also addressed.

The New Delhi summit will be attended by leaders from invited countries, including Bangladesh, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Mauritius, the Netherlands, Oman, Singapore and Spain, as well as representatives from organizations such as the UN, IMF, Bank World and regional forums such as ASEAN. Notably, some notable absences include Vladimir Putin (Russia), Xi Jinping (China), Lopez Obrador (Mexico) and King Salman Bin Abdulahziz Al Saud (Saudi Arabia).

Before the summit, diplomatic representatives from each country in the G20 work in various committees to address issues such as economy, development, corruption, trade, environment and climate change, among others. The results of this work are refined by foreign ministers before the summit, where economic topics and sensitive issues, such as geopolitics, are debated.

It is important to note that G20 meetings serve to highlight global issues and promote debate among world leaders. However, the effective transformation of reality continues to depend on the domestic action of each country. As the summit approaches, the world is waiting to see how leaders will tackle global challenges and whether they will be able to transform intentions into concrete actions.
