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Solar and Wind Power Generation Breaks World Record in 2022

Wind and solar power generation represented a record 12% of global electricity generation in 2022, according to a report released on April 12 by Ember, an independent English research group on climate and energy. The report also found that all renewable energy sources and nuclear energy combined accounted for 39% of global generation over the same period, with solar share up 24% and wind 17% year-on-year.

The Ember study highlights that wind and solar power growth met 80% of the increase in global electricity demand in 2022. However, coal-fired power generation grew by 1.1%, while gas-fired power generation fell by 0. 2% due to high prices.

While CO2 emissions from the power sector increased by 1.3% last year, the growth in wind and solar has helped to reduce this increase. The report concludes that if all electricity generated from wind and solar energy came from fossil fuels, energy sector emissions would be 20% higher in 2022.

Ember predicts that power generation from fossil fuels will decline by 0.3% this year, followed by larger declines in the coming years as more wind and solar power comes on stream. However, to reach the target of net zero emissions by 2040, as set by the International Energy Agency, wind and solar energy will have to reach 41% of global electricity generation by 2030.

The report highlights that there is still a long way to go to reach the net zero emissions target, and that significant investments in renewable energy infrastructure are needed. Governments around the world are taking steps to increase their renewable energy capacity, but the report highlights the need for even greater effort to achieve a complete transition to clean energy sources.


Brazil: Law 14.300/22 Is a Milestone in the Encouragement of Solar Energy


Since January of this year, Law 14300/22 has been in force, which establishes norms for the installation and self-consumption of solar energy and creates the legal framework for distributed micro and mini-generation. This legislation gives consumers the right to produce their own electricity using renewable sources, such as solar energy. This initiative is a response to growing concern about climate change and the world's dependence on fossil fuels.

In addition to the legal framework for micro and mini-generation of electricity, the law also proposes some changes to the Electric Energy Compensation System (SCEE), created by Resolution No. 482. With that, the legislation initiates the Social Renewable Energy Program (PERS ), which aims to ensure that low-income families can have access to solar energy.

Law 14300/22 also determines that Aneel (National Electric Energy Agency) provides a standard form for requesting distributed mini and microgeneration and all the information necessary for the preparation of the solar project to the consumer. This measure aims to simplify the process of joining solar energy and encourage its use throughout the country.

With the enactment of Law 14300/22, Brazil takes an important step towards expanding solar energy generation and democratizing access to renewable energy. The new legislation promises to boost the Brazilian solar industry, generating jobs and attracting investments in clean technologies.
