Logo Energia Que Inova - Branco

For a positive mood

For a positive mood

Expansion of Generation Capacity in May: 4,610.20 MW in New Plants and 1,267.1 MW of Growth

In May 2023, the Brazilian electricity matrix showed significant growth, with the entry into commercial operation of 144 plants, totaling an expansion of 4,610.20 MW. According to data from the National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL), the plants were distributed among different energy sources, with emphasis on wind and solar photovoltaic energy, which represent 87.6% of installed capacity in the year.

In the analyzed period, 62 wind farms were added, with a capacity of 2,006.9 MW, and 55 solar photovoltaic plants, with a capacity of 2,033.2 MW. In addition, 19 thermoelectric plants came into operation, totaling 476.7 MW, five small hydroelectric plants, with 82.1 MW, and three hydroelectric generating centers, with 11.4 MW.

The Brazilian states that stood out the most in the expansion of the matrix were Bahia, with 1,559.7 MW, followed by Minas Gerais, with 1,107.8 MW, Rio Grande do Norte, with 798.9 MW, and Piauí, with 358.9 MW. Bahia also experienced significant growth in May, with the start-up of the Futura Complex, adding 992.6 MW to installed capacity.

Brazil reached an inspected capacity of 193,170.92 MW by the end of May, with 83.6% of the plants considered renewable. This data is monitored and updated daily by ANEEL through ANEEL's Generation Information System (SIGA), which also provides information on power plants in operation and projects under construction.

The expansion of energy generation capacity in Brazil reflects the country's commitment to diversifying its energy sources and strengthening the electrical matrix, with an increasing focus on renewable sources. These advances are essential to ensure energy security and contribute to the transition to a low-carbon economy.
