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For a positive mood

For a positive mood

Wind Energy Sets Generation Records for the Second Half

Wind production was large during the second half of 2023. For July, during the first few days, wind energy production recorded unprecedented rates for energy growth in the country. According to data from National Electric System Operator (ONS), linked to the Ministry of Mines and Energy, this increase reflects instantaneous and average generation in the National Interconnected System (SIN), during the year 2023. According to the data, production is at 19,720 Megawatt (MW), this number represents a percentage of 27.8% of demand.

According to Ministry of Mines and Energy “Average wind generation on the SIN also reached an unprecedented percentage in the year, with generation of 17,110 MW, representing 24.3 % of the demand on the SIN”. Of this percentage, the subsystem with the greatest expression in energy production was the Northeast. The subsystem reached 17,135 MW in just a few hours of generation. Together, solar and wind energy were responsible for 45% of electricity generation for the entire country.

The winds that govern the wind farms are forecast to be strong until September. According to Aneel data, Brazil contributed with an increase of 5.1GW of installed electricity capacity. Of this data, 2.3 GW are wind energy. This shows the potential that Brazil has for growth in the sector.

It is important to celebrate this high generation of renewable wind energy, exploring natural potentials. This process makes Brazil a great source of clean energy production in the world. Strengthening legal frameworks and regulatory processes helps attract investment. This whole process is capable of generating more energy and development, in addition to job opportunities for the region.

Wind energy production in Brazil reached unprecedented levels during the second half of 2023, with a significant increase in instantaneous and average generation in the National Interconnected System (SIN). Combined with solar energy, renewable energy accounted for nearly half of the nation's electrical power generation. This high production highlights Brazil's potential for growth in the clean energy sector and the importance of strengthening legal frameworks and regulatory processes to attract investment and generate more job and development opportunities for the region.

