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For a positive mood

For a positive mood

By: Kleyson Carvalho

Green Jobs Drive the Energy Transition

According to the Global Green Skills Report 2022, prepared by LinkedIn, the participation of green talents in the global workforce has increased significantly in recent years. The data reveals that this share went from 9.6% in 2015 to 13.3% in 2022, which represents a remarkable growth of 38.5%.

The report points to Brazil as the sixth country with the highest application of green skills by workers in their jobs. This shows that professionals at all levels of education are developing their skills in this growing field. According to the World Economic Forum, this growth is more pronounced among those with a higher education degree.

According to the report, “Between 2022 and 2023 alone, the share of green talent in the workforce increased by an average of 12.3% across the 48 countries analyzed, while the proportion of job vacancies requiring at least one green skill grew by almost twice as much. fast — by an average of 22.4%.

In the US, UK, Germany, Singapore and France, fewer workers are moving into the fossil fuel market. In European countries such as Iceland, Denmark, France and Spain, more than

2% of workers are in the field of renewable energy, while around 1% or less work with fossil fuels.

By 2030, the UN estimates that 18 million green jobs will be created across the planet. About 15 million in Latin America and the Caribbean alone. In this scenario, Brazil would have almost half of the vacancies, around 7.1 million.

These data reflect the growing need for professionals prepared to deal with environmental challenges and promote sustainability. As the transition to a green economy progresses, it is essential that both workers and companies are aware of the opportunities and demands of this expanding sector, ensuring a more sustainable and promising future.

Michael Regan, appointed by President Joe Biden to head the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), defended during his sabbath the transition to reduce the use of fossil fuels. He argued that the country will benefit from embracing this transition, creating millions of jobs and investing in decarbonizing the economy.

Its priorities include controlling emissions from coal-fired power plants and implementing limits for the automotive, oil and natural gas sectors. This posture is part of the measures adopted by the new Democratic administration, which demands that all American agencies consider climate issues in their decisions. This measure was part of a package of executive orders signed by Biden on the first day of government.

Regan recognizes that the energy transition can pose risks to communities that rely on fossil fuels and the combustion automotive industry. However, he claims that the transition will also bring job opportunities. Huge investments in water, electricity and transport infrastructure will be required, which will result in the creation of millions of jobs.

The Biden administration is committed to making the US energy sector carbon-free by 2035. In addition, the president has pledged to invest in empowering American workers and businesses to lead a clean energy revolution. One of the challenges will be to ensure that this transition also benefits the black population and poorer communities, a goal emphasized by Biden during his campaign.


The Types of Green Jobs


Green jobs are those related to sectors and activities that aim at environmental sustainability, the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the promotion of more environmentally friendly practices. These jobs are embedded in areas that contribute to the transition to a more sustainable, low-carbon economy.

Green jobs are related to professionals working in the installation, maintenance and operation of solar, wind, hydroelectric, geothermal, biomass and other renewable energy systems.

The other group is associated with specialists in energy auditing, designers of efficient systems, technicians in the installation of efficient equipment, among others, who help to reduce energy consumption in buildings and industries.

Professionals involved in electric vehicle development, charging infrastructure, public transport planning, green logistics and other sustainable mobility solutions. Workers engaged in recycling, composting, wastewater treatment, hazardous waste management and other areas related to sustainable waste management.

Professionals involved in organic food production, agroecology, urban agriculture, efficient irrigation systems and low environmental impact agricultural practices. Architects, engineers, builders and other professionals working on the design and construction of green, energy-efficient buildings with sustainable materials. Specialists in the development and implementation of clean technologies, such as monitoring and controlling air and water quality, waste treatment, energy monitoring systems, among others.

Green jobs offer career opportunities that not only help protect the environment, but also drive economic growth, contributing to a more sustainable future.
