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For a positive mood

COP27 is the UN's Main Summit for Debate on Climate Issues

The 27th United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP27) Conference Of The Parties) – held in Egypt in 2022 – has been considered one of the most important United Nations (UN) summits for the debate on climate issues. Throughout the event, leaders and representatives from around the world gathered to discuss strategies to combat climate change and implement actions to preserve the environment. During COP27, it was discussed how to protect the Amazon and promote sustainable development in the Amazon Forest region, addressing its role in the global climate and in the preservation of a biodiversity of crucial importance for the world. Leaders and representatives discussed strategies to promote sustainable forest management, in addition to seeking ways to finance the implementation of conservation and sustainable development projects in the region.

The Amazon is responsible for about 10% of the world's biodiversity and is known as the “Green Lung of the Earth”. Unfortunately, the Amazon Rainforest is being rapidly degraded due to the expansion of the agricultural frontier, livestock and natural resource extraction and this is causing serious damage to the global climate and biodiversity. According to a study published in the Scientific Journal Nature, between 2010 and 2018, the Amazon has been gradually losing its ability to absorb relevant amounts of CO2 from the atmosphere – in fact, currently the forest emits more carbon dioxide than the amount that is able to absorb, which impacts the climate around the world.

Given this scenario, it is necessary to take concrete measures to protect the Amazon and guarantee a more sustainable future for all. The preservation of the Amazon is essential for the fight against climate change and for the preservation of fundamental biomes for the global environment and climate, and COP 27 was an important step in the path of implementing more effective actions to protect the Amazon Forest.


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This content was originally created in Portuguese.
