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For a positive mood

By: Kleyson Carvalho

CCUS: Promising Technology to Reduce CO2 Emissions

Carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) has been recognized as a promising strategy for reducing Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions into the atmosphere and mitigating the effects of global warming. With growing awareness of the need to address climate change, CCUS technologies are gaining increasing attention from policymakers and investors.


What is CCUS?


CCUS involves capturing carbon dioxide (CO2) produced in industrial and power generation processes, transporting it by ship or pipeline, and using it as a resource to create products or services. Furthermore, CO2 can also be permanently stored in geological reservoirs, such as underground rock formations.

Carbon capture by CCUS can be carried out using different technologies, depending on the source of CO2 emissions and the environmental conditions in which the capture occurs. Overall, there are three main types of carbon capture technologies:

Post-combustion capture: this technology is applied in industrial processes in which the combustion of fossil fuels produces exhaust gases containing CO2. Capture is carried out after combustion, through gas separation technologies, such as chemical absorption, which uses solvents to separate CO2 from other gases.

Pre-combustion capture: this technology is applied in industrial processes in which fossil fuel is transformed into synthetic gas before combustion. Capture is carried out during the production of synthetic gas, through gas separation technologies, such as gasification with methane reforming, which produces hydrogen and CO2.

– Capture of pure oxygen: this technology is applied in industrial processes in which fuel is burned in an oxygen-rich environment, producing exhaust gases containing pure CO2. Capture is carried out using gas separation membranes, which allow CO2 to pass through while retaining other gases.

CCUS is seen as a strategic option to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, as the transition to renewable energy sources can take decades. There are still many sectors that depend on fossil fuels and cannot be easily replaced by renewable energy sources.

Furthermore, CCUS also offers the possibility of sequestering CO2 from the atmosphere, helping to reduce the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. This is particularly important given that the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere continues to increase, contributing to global warming.


What Are the Challenges of CCUS?

Although CCUS is a promising technology, there are still many challenges to be overcome before it can be deployed on a large scale. One of the main challenges is the high cost of carbon capture. Carbon capture technologies are still relatively expensive, making it difficult for many companies to justify the investment.

Furthermore, transporting CO2 is a logistical challenge and can be expensive, especially over long distances. The use of CO2 is also limited in many sectors, meaning it is not always easy to find a use for captured CO2.

CCUS is a promising technology that offers the possibility of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating the effects of global warming. However, there are still many challenges to be overcome before the technology can be deployed on a large scale. It is necessary to invest in research and development of CO2 capture, transport and storage technologies to make them more efficient and accessible. Furthermore, it is necessary to encourage the use of captured CO2 in sectors that can really make use of it, such as the production of construction materials, synthetic fuels and chemical products.

It is also important to involve policymakers and investors in promoting CCUS. Governments can encourage the adoption of CCUS through public policies and subsidies, while investors can help fund research and development of CCUS technologies.

CCUS is not a one-size-fits-all solution to the problem of climate change, but it can be an important part of the solution. It's a promising technology that could help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help address the challenge of global warming. With the right investment and incentives, CCUS technology can be deployed on a large scale and make a significant difference in the fight against climate change.

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This content was originally created in Portuguese.
