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For a positive mood

For a positive mood

Carlos Manuel Rodríguez Highlights Brazil as a Key Player in Global Environmental Policies

Carlos Manuel Rodriguez, CEO of Global Environment Facility (GEF), emphasized the importance of Brazil for the success of global environmental policies. Rodríguez highlighted that Brazil's total commitment and engagement are fundamental for achieving environmental policies that generate global benefits.

The GEF CEO highlighted the organization's support for the country's environmental initiatives and efforts, indicating that the choice of Brazil to host the annual GEF meeting reflects this partnership. Holding the event in Brazil provides a valuable opportunity to demonstrate the positive impact of the multilateral environmental contribution and financial support.

The GEF, as the oldest multilateral fund for environmental financing, was established during Rio-92 and has its headquarters in Washington. Traditionally, all meetings of the entity's board took place in the American capital. However, the next meeting, scheduled for Brasília next week, inaugurates a more international phase of these meetings. Brazil is the second country that received the most direct resources from the GEF in the last 30 years, totaling more than US$ 1.2 billion.

Rodriguez identifies two reasons for significant investment in Brazil. First, it highlights the importance of Brazilian biomes for the preservation of biodiversity and the fight against climate change. Secondly, he commends the quality of the results obtained by the country, stating that approximately 85% of the projects developed in Brazil are top quality, thanks to the human and institutional capacities available.

The GEF CEO also addressed the relevance of COP 30, the world climate summit, which will take place in Belém, capital of Pará, in 2025. Rodríguez believes that this conference will be crucial to link actions against climate change with the preservation of biodiversity. He points out that the loss of biodiversity and climate change are two interconnected problems and must be addressed in an integrated manner.

With the support of the GEF and the recognition of Brazil as a key player, the country has the opportunity to continue playing a central role in global environmental policies, contributing to the preservation of the environment and the fight against climate change worldwide.

The articles published in the 'Opinion' section seek to spread and democratize knowledge and stimulate debate and reflection, by clarifying the reader's view of the main topics of world interest in the areas of energy, energy efficiency and sustainability. Through this section, we seek to provide relevant and specialized information about the challenges, problems and solutions for Brazil and other countries in the world, according to the analyzes and perspectives of its editors.

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Article suggestions should be sent to publishing@climatepositiveoutlook.info and will be evaluated by the special content editor. This content was originally created in Portuguese.
